
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tube Crimper: Saves Paint

My sister came to the studio this week and saw my painting table which had the colors laid out for the painting that was on the easel.  She noticed that the tubes had crinkled bottoms.  She asked why and how did they get that way.  Well we all tend to squeeze our tube near the center to get a good grip.  The paint goes up and down in the tube.

 Many years ago on the shelf in the art store was a "Tube Wringer" for sale. The savings in paint became obvious as the claim on the box said it would get 99.9% of the paint out of the tube.  Oil paint is costly and becoming more so as the prices in the art supply stores indicate.

The "Tube Wringer" is still made and sold in its original form and materials from Gill Mechanical Company available in most art stores.  It is all steel with aluminum rollers. There are many new models available made at a lower cost and some are made of plastic.

The tube Wringer, which look more like a Crimper by its looks.
 It is easy to operate just by inserting the tube into the "jaws" 
and squeezing them shut while turning the rotating crank.

Out it comes from the other end.

The tube shows its actual remaining volume of paint. Nice plump tube ready to be squeezed.

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